Coliving BOOK Coworking BOOK

November ’22 Update: Coworking open*, Coliving open, new Hub under construction in 360°

FYI, of course in 2023 we opened our fancy new space. Here’s a look back at the temporary space we had open for you guys during the construction phase:

Yes we’re open – here’s some more info:

Nov 1st 2022

If you’ve followed us on social media or our frontpage “mini updates”, you know we’ve been working on building a shiny new Hub for you. Since it’s not open yet, we opened a temporary coworking space for you a few weeks ago on the DL and have been taking plenty of coworking and coliving/coworking package bookings. Time to make it official.

This post:

  1. Details & photos about our temporary coworking space that is officially open
  2. Info about our coliving/coworking packages
  3. A little construction update

1. Coworking Open*

The temporary coworking space has launched well, been received well and we finally brought our proper Italian coffee machine over with a truck the other day, so today we think we’re ready to declare the Hub as officially open again. But please keep reading if you’d like to join:

*The asterisk (caveat) is twofold:

1) Joining our coworking space is currently appointment only for your first visit – we’re not open for walk-ins. So just drop us a message and coordinate when you’d like to come by for your first visit. We’ll give you a little tour and get you settled. After becoming a member, it’s mi casa es su casa, of course. We might continue this policy with the main space, let’s see.

2) This is not the new main space we’ve been teasing, but a temporary coworking space. Things are a tad less polished. But we liked how it turned out – it really feels like a community space, but still with all coworking essentials:

  • business-grade DSL
  • free Vietnamese coffee/tea/water
  • one desk per person (indoor + AC), garden desks, standing desks – with proper office chairs

You’ll have access to a shared living room and kitchen area. We try to do community lunch at 1 pm (group order / bring your own) as often as feasible. Community is still a high priority for us and our customers. After posting this, I’m actually off to community lunch.
Prices at the temporary space are discounted from our old, listed prices, get in touch.

Some impressions of the temporary coworking space:

2. Coliving Open: You can book our packages, still at “Covid discount” price

We’ve been taking lots of package bookings recently, no wonder, we haven’t changed our prices since we last reduced them during the local Covid downturn. That won’t last for long, but for now you’re still welcome to book at the old prices (latest price always available on our packages page).

The coliving space hasn’t changed and is not under construction. It’s still open and ready for you.

We’re not totally sure when we’re reopening the main space, so for the coworking part of your coworking/coliving package we decided to give a 10% discount as long as we can only offer you the temporary coworking space.

3. New Hub

While operations have re-started at the temporary site and we’re all excited to serve customers again there, our new rice field-view main site is still under construction.

We’re getting closer to finishing it, but it is clearly taking longer than we thought. Essentially, we’re a bit detail obsessed compared to local standards. Like the new main coworking area will get next level sound insulation that includes some components we imported from abroad and heavy duty laminated (double layer) glass. That requires research, contractor education and.. time. Despite some setbacks, things are moving forward. Here’s a 360 photo sphere with sunset of our construction site.

Revisiting this in late January: we’re now much much further. Check our Facebook for latest vids of the almost-done space.

See you soon at the Hub!

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